Tuesday, July 26, 2011

B&V: Beads of my Rosary!

There is a very famous quote by Heraclitus -“You cannot step twice into the same stream."  I couldn’t agree more with this quote. Whenever I flash back down memory lane, there are some memories which I still cherish a lot - especially, from my childhood. I know childhood is one of the most precious and most memorable times of one’s life; this is the one phase of life which one doesn’t want to pass by.

 Whenever I think of childhood, I just want the time to come back. Alas! We can’t step back in time. Memories of making toys with olive-like drupes (Nimbori –fruit of Neem Tree) or counting the stars while lying on a charpoy in the night; imagining funny figures from clouds or playing hide and seek during electrical outages; making excuses for school or eating lunch in the class; asking Granny to repeat the same story a hundred times or dumping things deep in the ground with a hope that after some days I will find them a few feet away because the earth has moved. I remember, after reading “Gulliver’s Travels” I started to believe that deep inside the ground there exists a Lilliput; with this notion I used to dump my eraser, hairpin, pencil, sharpener and what not in the ground so that one day  people in Lilliput will get them and will come to talk to me. The thought of talking to a 6 inch man or woman used to amuse me a lot and it even amuses me today too - if they are from Lilliput . Eating a seed can grow a plant inside your stomach was another belief which used to scare me a lot.  Once I ate the seed of Ber (Zizyphus mauritiana) and throughout the evening I was asking my Mom how to get it out from my stomach. All these silly things and more make our childhood special.

Sometime I wonder should I consider today’s kids more lucky for all the comforts and gadgets and gizmos they have or ourselves for such exciting and joyful childhoods. Thanks to media exposure that kids are growing faster than their age. I do not know why there is this race to make them adults so fast. Don’t they have a right to have their innocence a little longer? I know it’s so hard to keep the kids away from all the bad things, but it is also true that one day they are going to cherish their childhoods like us but for different reasons.
Each memory of our childhood is like a bead of rosary which we like to count or recall again and again. Now, you might understand why the title of my post is “Beads of my rosary.” In upcoming days I am thinking of writing a few more post under this series - each time a new bead. Not sure, what and when I will post my next post; till then enjoy this and have a great day.